Intransitive indicative expresses that a subject does (“something/one verbs”). The suffix to the verb stem is vu. Then you attach the personal ending:

Suli(work) + vu(do) + nga(I) ->
Sulivunga. = I work(ed).

If a verb stem finishes with a consonant, v vocalizes to p:

Ateqar(have a name) + vu(do) + nga(I) ->
Ateqarpunga. = I am called

Important: In 3rd person plural, v becomes pp; hence no sulivut, only sulipput.

When negating, mind that tv->l; hence nngit + vu -> nngitvu -> nngila

Person Affirmative Negative
I vu-nga nngila-nga
You vu-tit nngila-tit
He vu-q nngila-q
We vu-gut nngila-gut
You pl vu-ssi nngila-si
They (v)vu-t nngilla-t

Mind the (v)vut in 3rd person plural: the ending must be preceded by a long consonant; hence, meeraqarput (only put is added) while angutaapput (pput is added). Hence never really vut; rather put.

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